Epilepsy Canada is pleased to announce that it is again accepting submissions to support research trainees in any area of research pertaining to epilepsy. Epilepsy Canada’s mission is to support research (in the biomedical, clinical or social sciences) that is focussed on improving the lives of people with seizure disorders. In particular, we are seeking to fund post-doctoral researchers and summer studentships associated with a Canadian university or hospital (research activities must be conducted within Canada).
Postdoctoral Research Award
Epilepsy Canada will award one (1) postdoctoral research award (valued at $37,000 CDN) for the time period July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013. This award is for one year only; requests for renewal must be done in the form of a complete new application and are dependent upon availability of funds. Applications are invited from qualified applicants who are within three years of the completion of their PhD at the time of application submission. Applications are invited from all areas of epilepsy research including the biomedical, clinical and social sciences. A complete application will consist of the following:- a description of the proposed research (including Research Hypothesis, Research Goals, Back-ground, Methods, Proposed Work, Relevance to Epilepsy; 5 pages maximum, 12 pt font, Arial or Times New Roman, single spaced, 0.75 inch borders)
- curriculum vitae of the applicant (common CV, CIHR format)
- curriculum vitae of the proposed supervisor (common CV, CIHR format).
Please submit the original plus four (4) copies (total 5 copies) to Epilepsy Canada postmarked or courier-stamped on or before April 1st, 2012. Results will be announced on April 23rd, 2012. The award is to be held at a Canadian university or hospital.
Summer Studentship
Epilepsy Canada will award one (1) summer studentship (valued at $5,000 CDN) for the time period June 01, 2012 – August 30, 2012. Applications are invited from students enrolled at a Canadian university or college at the time of application submission. Applications are invited from all areas of epilepsy research including the biomedical, clinical and social sciences. A complete application will consist of the following:- a description of the proposed research (including Research Goals, Background, Methods, Proposed Work, Relevance to Epilepsy; 2 pages maximum, 12 pt font, Arial or Times New Roman,single spaced, 0.75 inch borders)
- curriculum vitae of the applicant (free format, 3 pages maximum) and
- curriculum vitae of the proposed supervisor (common CV, CIHR format).
Please submit the original plus four (4) copies (total 5 copies) to Epilepsy Canada postmarked or courier-stamped on or before April 1st, 2012. Results will be announced on April 23rd, 2012. The award is to be held at a Canadian university, college or hospital.